
This is a feed of links I've run across and found interesting or noteworthy. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.

Keynote: AI without the BS, for humans - NDC London 2025

Scott Hanselman - youtube.com

Scott Hanselman discusses practical AI usage, evaluating large and small models for productivity without the hype, focusing on efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

AI, productivity, software development, NDC, Scott Hanselman

AWS Glue streaming application to process Amazon MSK data using AWS Glue Schema Registry

AWS Glue streaming application to process Amazon MSK data using AWS Glue Schema Registry

Amazon Web Services - aws.amazon.com

Explore real-time analytics for streaming data from diverse sources with AWS Glue and Amazon MSK.

AWS Glue, streaming data, real-time analytics, Amazon MSK, IoT

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Securely process near-real-time data from Amazon MSK Serverless using AWS Glue

Securely process near-real-time data from Amazon MSK Serverless using AWS Glue

Amazon Web Services - aws.amazon.com

Leverage AWS Glue for secure, near-real-time data processing from Amazon MSK Serverless, enhancing analytics capabilities with streaming data.

AWS, Glue, streaming data, analytics, MSK Serverless

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The EASIEST Way To Build Your Mobile App In 22 Minutes (AI Coding)

Unknown - m.youtube.com

Join a free course to learn how to build a mobile app quickly using AI coding tools.

mobile app, AI coding, free course

Architecting Serverless Streaming Data Pipelines: A Guide to AWS Glue’s Continuous ETL with Apache

Architecting Serverless Streaming Data Pipelines: A Guide to AWS Glue’s Continuous ETL with Apache

Anish Machamasi - medium.com

Explore how AWS Glue enables continuous ETL for serverless streaming data pipelines, essential for data-driven solutions.

AWS Glue, ETL, data pipeline, serverless, Apache

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Getting Started with Test-Driven Development

Gui Ferreira - youtube.com

Learn practical approaches to Test-Driven Development with tutorials, workshops, and courses. Improve your coding practices and simplify your life as a developer.

Test-Driven Development, TDD, C#, .NET

Switching to Protobuf (from Avro) on Kafka

Switching to Protobuf (from Avro) on Kafka

Tanishq Dubey - clearstreet.io

Clear Street transitioned to Protobuf on Kafka for improved performance and streamlined data handling, addressing limitations faced with Avro as their microservices expanded.

Protobuf, Avro, Kafka, microservices, Clear Street

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How to fall in love with TDD - NDC London 2024

Gui Ferreira - youtube.com

Discover the journey to embrace Test-Driven Development (TDD) while overcoming misconceptions and mastering testing techniques in this inspiring talk.

TDD, testing, software development, NDC London


How to Handle Kafka Messages with MediatR

Gui Ferreira - youtube.com

Learn to handle Apache Kafka messages in C# using KafkaFlow and MediatR for efficient message processing.

Kafka, MediatR, C#, KafkaFlow


Deploy Blazor WASM to AWS S3 in Under 5 Minutes - with CloudFront CDN!

Mukesh Murugan - youtube.com

Deploy a Blazor app to AWS S3 with CloudFront in under 5 minutes for optimized performance and global availability.

Blazor, AWS, S3, CloudFront, CDN, .NET
