
Note that I may not have fully read/viewed all of the things in this feed. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.

Mastering Unit Tests in .NET: Best Practices and Naming Conventions

Mastering Unit Tests in .NET: Best Practices and Naming Conventions


Dive into the world of .NET unit tests with this comprehensive guide. Understand the qualities of effective unit tests, and explore the best naming conventions that make your test code readable and maintainable.

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Top 5 techniques for building the worst microservice system ever - William Brander - NDC London 2023


Microservices come with promises of scalability, reliability, and autonomy. But if everything is so rosy, how come the only success stories we hear about are...


How Microsoft Orleans can save .NET Developers from microservices


Microsoft Orleans is the future of building distributed applications on the C# and .NET stack and you don't need to worry about building a grand microservice...


Succeeding at Reactive Architecture - Ian Cooper - NDC Oslo 2023


In 2013 the Reactive Manifesto was published, establishing a set of properties for modern systems: responsive, resilient, elastic and message driven. In 2020...

Thoughts on Successful Software Development in a Post-Hexagonal World

Thoughts on Successful Software Development in a Post-Hexagonal World

Jeremy Miller - linkedin.com

I'm one of a number of folks who are actively questioning the conventional wisdom of Hexagonal Architecture approaches. If you're interested in all the things I think are wrong with the way that enterprise software is built today, you can check out my talk from NDC Oslo this summer (as I suffer through an Austin summer and blissfully remember the feeling of actually wanting a jacket on outside):

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Event-Driven Architecture: I do not think it means what you think it means


With the popularity of Microservices, Kafka, and Event Sourcing, the term "Event" has become pretty overloaded and has caused much confusion about what Event...

Blazor WASM Publishing to AWS Amplify

Blazor WASM Publishing to AWS Amplify

Abdul Rahman Shabeek Mohamed - ilovedotnet.org

In this post I will teach how to publish your Blazor applications to AWS Amplify. All with live working demo.

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The NEW Way of Validating Settings in .NET 8


Check out my courses: https://dometrain.comBecome a Patreon and get source code access: https://www.patreon.com/nickchapsasHello everybody, I'm Nick, and in ...


Blazor "United" has almost Arrived in .NET 8 Preview 6!


Microsoft just released .NET 8 Preview 6 which contains exciting new updates to Blazor. This video covers: - Mix and match Blazor Server and Web Assembly ...


Making Blazor work with everything, plus WebAssembly on the server - Steve Sanderson


Real-world software projects often involve combining many technologies. So, is modern Blazor powerful and flexible enough for your team's needs? In this demo...
