This is a feed of links I've run across and found interesting or noteworthy. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.
Access thousands of open datasets across diverse topics. Share projects seamlessly on a flexible platform.
open datasets, machine learning, data ingestion
Transitioning to SaaS compels organizations to reconsider their strategies for building, launching, and scaling applications to maximize benefits.
SaaS, AWS, growth, strategies
Discusses the challenges of selecting the right size and scope for microservices in an architecture.
re:Invent 2019, Amazon, microservices, AWS Lambda, Amazon RDS
Explores diverse SaaS architecture patterns addressing varying domains, stacks, and customer needs, essential for effective SaaS solutions.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, Cloud, SaaS, architecture
Contribute to the dotnet-example project by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub, dotnet-example, contribution
Learn to integrate JavaScript within a Blazor project. Includes links to the code repository and demo site.
coding bootcamp, blazor, javascript interop, programming
Use PublicApiGenerator to document public APIs and create snapshot unit tests to avoid breaking changes.
.NET Core, C#
Explore .NET development on AWS via the aws/dotnet repository on GitHub. Contribute to the project by creating an account.
GitHub, .NET, AWS, development
Learn how to effectively build IT platforms that enhance innovation and ensure compliance, despite the challenges involved.
IT platforms, innovation, compliance, building, strategy
.NET Aspire aims to transform cloud-native development for .NET apps. This review discusses the migration experience, strengths, limitations, and its impact on distributed systems.
.NET, Aspire, cloud-native, development, review