

My Favorite NServiceBus Features - Message Retries

Brad Jolicoeur - 08/28/2020
Message retries are one of the most powerful patterns in message based systems. Retries are probably one of the more compelling reasons to use a message based architecture and make a system that uses them significantly more durable and accurate.
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CF Push

Deploy ASP.NET Core With Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Brad Jolicoeur - 07/23/2020
I've been experimenting with Pivotal Cloud Foundry recently and put this quick tutorial together for deploying an ASP.NET Core application using PCF. I was amazed at how easy this was and I'm sure you will be too. This is a quick getting started with Pivotal Cloud Foundry and ASP.NET Core.
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Spring Cloud Config Server For Local Development

Brad Jolicoeur - 07/15/2020
Managing secrets on your development machine can be a challenge. This is evident in the high number of secrets that are regularly found publicly available in GitHub. I recently found that Spring Cloud Config Server running in Docker on my workstation has made managing those secrets without including them in my source control alongside the code a little easier.
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Message In A Bottle

NServiceBus Message Versioning

Brad Jolicoeur - 10/02/2018
As a software engineers we all know the requirements will change over time. At some point you will need to become comfortable with versioning your NServiceBus messages to adapt to those changing requirements. When you start thinking about the nuances of deploying endpoints that need to handle messages of different versions in flight or in an error queue waiting for retries it can be overwhelming at first. Luckily, there is a straight forward and relatively painless way to make changes to your contracts that will enable your endpoints to process old and new versions in parallel.
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