
This is a feed of links I've run across and found interesting or noteworthy. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.
How to generate code from OpenAPI definition with Visual Studio 2019 - Code4IT

How to generate code from OpenAPI definition with Visual Studio 2019 - Code4IT


Wouldn't it be nice if Visual Studio could autogenerate clients for external API? It is actually possible, if they expose an OpenAPI file. Let's see how!

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Building Domain Driven Microservices | by Chandra Ramalingam | Walmart Global Tech Blog | Medium

Building Domain Driven Microservices | by Chandra Ramalingam | Walmart Global Tech Blog | Medium

Chandra Ramalingam - medium.com

The term ‘micro’ in Microservices, though indicative of the size of a service, is not the only criteria that make an application a Microservice. When teams move to a microservices-based architecture…

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Modelling Bounded Contexts with the Bounded Context Canvas

Modelling Bounded Contexts with the Bounded Context Canvas

Nick Tune - medium.com

How do we break a large system into smaller, more manageable modular components? This is the question I get asked the most, so I’ve put together this article describing a workshop recipe you can use…

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How to Avoid Coupling in Microservices Design | Capital One

How to Avoid Coupling in Microservices Design | Capital One


In this article, I am going to focus on the importance of loose coupling as a design principle for microservices. I will give examples of poor design decisions that violate loose coupling and lead to distributed monoliths.

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Don't keep a saga in both camps

Don't keep a saga in both camps


Recently I delivered a distributed systems workshop for an Italian user group. Based on some of the conversations I had with attendees, I wrote, “There is no...

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Testing Without Mocks: A Pattern Language

James Shore - jamesshore.com

Automated tests are important. Without them, programmers waste a huge amount of time manually checking and fixing their code.

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[Ask Udi] Two services operating on the same entity

[Ask Udi] Two services operating on the same entity

Udi Dahan - Udi Dahan – The Software Simplist

Most of my regular readers know that I recommend against having more than one service operating on the same entity, but with the groundswell of interest around microservices, there appear to be more and more people who are falling into this trap, so I thought it worthwhile to do a short refresher on the topic.

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gRPC - A Modern Framework for Microservices Communication

gRPC - A Modern Framework for Microservices Communication

Harish Kathpalia - Capital One

High-performance remote procedure call framework

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Blazor and Razor Pages Support

kamalraturi - https://gitmemory.com/

Just wanted to contribute my experience getting Funbuckle.MultiTenant to work with Blazor and Razor Pages on .NET Core 3.0. So far it seems to be working. Perhaps these instructions will help others.

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Using Playwright and the WebApplicationFactory To Test Your Blazor Application

Using Playwright and the WebApplicationFactory To Test Your Blazor Application


I’ll show how you can create a CustomWebApplicationFactory that will allow you to run your Playwright .NET tests locally using the WebApplicationFactory in .NET 6.

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