This is a feed of links I've run across and found interesting or noteworthy. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.
A lot of developers have asked me recently about OData compatibility with ASP.NET Core 3.0 and again with .NET Core 3.1 after it’s very recent release. This demand became more and more critical with the recent announcement from the .NET team around .NET Core 2.2 reaching the end of its life on Dec 23rd of this year.
It may happen that you are interested in executing a batch of SQL commands whose results produce not only one resultset, but more than one. This helps to avoid doing additional roundtrips to the…
Using Dapper in ASP.NET Core applications by creating querying and repository classes. Discussion about complexities and solutions.
Along with the advantages of event-based microservice systems comes the potential for errors. Handling these errors robustly is key to a successful project.
CAP Theorem generally applies to distribute databases. PACELC builds on CAP and describes system behavior when no network partition exists. Both of these can be applied in the context of microservices.
Controllers are dinosaurs - it's time to embrace Endpoints. The MVC pattern doesn't actually work as well for APIs as other options, like the Request-Endpoint-Response (REPR) pattern.
At one of my companies, I’ve been working on a DDD system written in ASP.NET for quite some time now (nearly 10 years, by my reckoning). In that time, we’ve gone from a BBOM (Big Ball of Mud) to a…
Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package - GitHub - Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks: Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package
Parallel programming has historically been a relatively-niche and complex aspect of software development, often not worth the headache, but writing parallelized applications has only gotten easier…
Swagger and the OpenAPI specification the manual work out of API documentation and make it easier for developers to share their APIs with the wold.In this e...