
Note that I may not have fully read/viewed all of the things in this feed. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.

How to run docker on Windows without Docker Desktop

How to run docker on Windows without Docker Desktop


Since Docker announced a new subscription for Docker Desktop for personal use, educational... Tagged with docker, windows, wsl2.

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Simple Messaging Between Microservices with Rebus and Azure Storage Queues

Simple Messaging Between Microservices with Rebus and Azure Storage Queues


Mark Heath's Development Blog

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Use gRPC client with .NET Standard 2.0

Use gRPC client with .NET Standard 2.0

JamesNK - docs.microsoft.com

Learn how to use the .NET gRPC client in apps and libraries that support .NET Standard 2.0.

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Entity Framework Core - Inheritance - Table-per-Type (TPT) is not supported, is it? (Part 2 - Database First)

Entity Framework Core - Inheritance - Table-per-Type (TPT) is not supported, is it? (Part 2 - Database First)


In the previous post we have created 2 Entity Framework Core (EF Core) models with a code first approach. One model was using the Table-per-Hierarchy (TPH) pattern and the other one Table-per-Type (TPT). In this post we want to approach a more common scenario we see in customer…

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running docker on wsl2 without docker desktop code example | Newbedev


Example 1: windows wsl2 linux install docker //INSTALL DOCKER ON LINUX SUBSYSTEM (ON WIN 10) AND ALL REQUIRED SOFTWARE //--------------------------------------------

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gRPC over HTTP/2 or: How I learned to stop depending on REST and love gRPC

gRPC over HTTP/2 or: How I learned to stop depending on REST and love gRPC


In today buzzword-oriented world, you don’t spend all of your precious time following all of the latest technologies. When creating APIs, you rarely think twice - obviously REST is your best friend. But have you ever heard about companies like Google or Dropbox? I bet you did. They’ve considered this problem in a different way. So did we, in our last project for a Berlin startup. We decided to use gRPC instead of REST and I would like to tell you why.

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Migrating from Entity Framework 6 to EF Core - dotnetblogpost.com

Migrating from Entity Framework 6 to EF Core - dotnetblogpost.com


We can unanimously agree Entity Framework 6 is stable and battle tested ORM library in .NET eco-system. Since, Entity Framework Core is a complete rewrite of EF6 and is a cross platform solution. Because of fundamental changes in EF Core, there is no straight forward way to move an EF6 code to EF Core except… Read More »

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My experiences with API gateways… | by Mahesh Mahadevan | Medium

My experiences with API gateways… | by Mahesh Mahadevan | Medium

Mahesh Mahadevan - link.medium.com

A while back, I was working on a project to implement API gateway for our product’s cloud offering. The main motivation behind it was to have a single point of entry for all the external traffic and…

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Stop Using Primitive Types in Domain Classes | Better Programming

Stop Using Primitive Types in Domain Classes | Better Programming

Nicklas Millard - betterprogramming.pub

Want to see how easily you can capture domain knowledge and how to avoid catching a bad case of primitive obsession?

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Remove Your If-Else and Switch Cases by N. Millard | Level Up Coding

Remove Your If-Else and Switch Cases by N. Millard | Level Up Coding

Nicklas Millard - levelup.gitconnected.com

Lines of Code has never been a great measure for code quality. Ever. See how you can write twice as much code, for the better.

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