
This is a feed of links I've run across and found interesting or noteworthy. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.
The Right Way. Event Sourcing done right, as it is… | by Alexey Zimarev | Eventuous | May, 2022 | Medium

The Right Way. Event Sourcing done right, as it is… | by Alexey Zimarev | Eventuous | May, 2022 | Medium

Alexey Zimarev - medium.com

Event Sourcing done right, as it is meant to be. Don’t get caught up in the misconception that Event Sourcing is the same thing as Event-Driven Architecture. If you ever searched for a diagram that…

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Using Docker to Manage Your Test Database(s)

Using Docker to Manage Your Test Database(s)


Docker is a great tool for packaging and distributing test databases among your team and testing environment. We've created a starter repository to show these concepts...

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Robocar Store

Robocar Store


Robocar Store is your one-stop shop to buy everything you need to build your self-driving car. Our mission is to help people to get started building their own car easier so they can focus on making their car better.

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Saga concurrency • NServiceBus

Saga concurrency • NServiceBus


NServiceBus ensures consistency between saga state and messaging.

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What’s New: NFTs For Your Observability Data!

What’s New: NFTs For Your Observability Data!


Are you tired of your observability data sitting around, only generating expenses? Keep reading to find out how NFTs put your data to work!

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GitHub - roadkillwiki/Marten.AspNetIdentity: Marten implementation of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity

GitHub - roadkillwiki/Marten.AspNetIdentity: Marten implementation of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity


Marten implementation of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity - GitHub - roadkillwiki/Marten.AspNetIdentity: Marten implementation of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity

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Four Micro-Frontend Architecture Types You Can Implement With Blazor

Four Micro-Frontend Architecture Types You Can Implement With Blazor


Learn how to implement micro-frontend architectures using Blazor, an open-source framework for creating web apps.

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Unit testing handlers with Rebus

Unit testing handlers with Rebus


…is pretty easy, because message handlers are ordinary classes free of dependencies – i.e. you implement the appropriate [crayon-627e81645859c631094939-i/] methods, but you don’t …

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Alba Setup | Alba


Supercharged integration testing for ASP.Net Core web services

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Micro Frontends

Micro Frontends


Extending the microservice idea to frontend development. Techniques, strategies and recipes for building a modern web app with multiple teams that can ship features independently.

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