This is a feed of links I've run across and found interesting or noteworthy. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.
This talk will introduce and demo the use of .NET Interactive in VS Code Jupyter Notebooks, a cutting-edge kernel that allows data scientists and developers ...
Business requirements are seldom as simple as they seem. What happens when the requirements start to get more complex than your original design? Will you be ...
This presentation was recorded at YOW! 2016. #GOTOcon #YOWhttps://yowcon.comSimon Raik-Allen - CTO at MusoABSTRACTIn this keynote, Simon will be talking thro...
The .NET Upgrade Assistant is now available as an experimental extension in Visual Studio to easily enable to update your apps and projects to the latest version of .NET.
How will software development evolve in the 2020s? Join Richard Campbell as he explores the landscape of technology that will have a massive impact on softwa...
The digitally-savvy customer has highly sophisticated - and ever-evolving - expectations for engagement and brand experience at every touchpoint. Delivering on and keeping up with these expectations requires an innovation-driven culture with customer value at its center. We’ve seen a common theme across our most successful client engagements: innovation and speed to market at scale requires more than just intense customer-centricity, adoption of agile practices and technology acumen.
These days everyone is building a 'platform' to speed up delivery of digital products. But what makes an effective digital platform?
This presentation was recorded at GOTOpia February 2021. #GOTOcon #GOTOpiahttp://gotopia.euNicki Watt - CTO/CEO at OpenCredoABSTRACTAs organisations drive to...
These days everyone is building a 'platform' to speed up delivery of digital products. But what makes an effective digital platform?
Platform teams are force multipliers, by reducing cognitive load for developers and making it easier to ship, allowing them to focus on feature velocity.