
Note that I may not have fully read/viewed all of the things in this feed. The images, content and opinions in them are owned by their respective authors.

Ethereum for .NET developers | ethereum.org

Ethereum for .NET developers | ethereum.org


Learn how to develop for Ethereum using .NET-based projects and tooling

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Nethereum Getting Started

Nethereum community - docs.nethereum.com

Nethereum documentation.

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Nethereum Blazor

Nethereum community - docs.nethereum.com

Nethereum Blazor is a .Net Wasm SPA light blockchain explorer and simple wallet.

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Announcing YARP 1.0 Release

Announcing YARP 1.0 Release


Announcing YARP 1.0, an open-source, highly customizable reverse proxy using .NET, which can be downloaded from NuGet.

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YARP – A fast and reliable reverse proxy

YARP – A fast and reliable reverse proxy


In this article we aim to take a closer look at YARP and provide an overview of the configuration options provided to us by Microsoft.

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How to implement request routing for BFF with YARP

Kalle Marjokorpi - kallemarjokorpi.fi

This blog post concentrates to reverse proxy side how to re-route requests to destination API endpoint via BFF.

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Let's be friends. OpenId Connect and Yarp - Prog.World

Let's be friends. OpenId Connect and Yarp - Prog.World


Foreword Today in this article I want to share my personal experience and the solution of a specific case. A small team worked on it, but for the sake of simplicity, I will write in the first person. Actually the case itself: there is a Windows server with a domain and an SSL certificate, on...

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Sharing Data Between Microservices in Scale | Fiverr Tech

Sharing Data Between Microservices in Scale | Fiverr Tech

Shiran (Honig) Metsuyanim - medium.com

Several approaches suitable for a scalable system considering tradeoffs between availability and consistency

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Amazon Aurora Machine Learning – SageMaker Integration


Learn how you can turn relational data into insights using Amazon Aurora and it's integration with Machine learning. In this video, you will learn how to tak...

Deploy a scheduled workload on Fargate using AWS CDK

Deploy a scheduled workload on Fargate using AWS CDK

Maurizio Bonani - mauricius.dev

How to deploy a scheduled containerized workload on AWS Fargate using CDK

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